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Disc Golf Scores
To report a score, go to the Score Reporter Page
First Name | Last Name | Score | Date | Comment |
Jacob | Krell | 6 | 04/17/2021 | Walked 2 rounds very overcast day and pretty warm. Lots of mulberry trees blooming. |
Jacob | Krell | 0 | 04/20/2021 | Played a -3 Played a round before work, they've done some work on the tee boxes. Hole in 1 on #5. |
Ward | Eegan | 7 | 04/20/2021 | So many near birdies, at least one turned to bogey. Saved a bogey on 16 with a 30yd+ blind forehand shot around the big oak tree. Had not calibrated for the new height on 18 so an attempt at par went double bogey 😔 |
Max | Bangs | -3 | 04/20/2021 | Last round and best score! |
Max | Bangs | 2 | 04/20/2021 | 1st round |
Jacob | Krell | 8 | 04/11/2021 | Walked 2 rounds didn't keep score first round |
Max | Bangs | -2 | 04/15/2021 | 2nd round |
Max | Bangs | 2 | 04/15/2021 | 1st round |
Ward | Eegan | 3 | 04/14/2021 | Only a double bogey and a bogey so not the worst on a gusty day! |
Max | Bangs | 2 | 04/13/2021 | First game on the new scheme. |
Dalton | Carter | 5 | 04/12/2021 | Not a good start to the new scheme |
Lindsi | Allman | 16 | 04/10/2021 | Tryin |
Brian | Campbell | -4 | 04/10/2021 | Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain |
Mike | Storey | 0 | 04/08/2021 | Some good shots and quite a few lucky ones. |
Scott | Stagg | 10 | 04/08/2021 | Was doing pretty well until I busted ass on 10 |
Dalton | Carter | 1 | 04/07/2021 | Triple on 4 ruined a PB chance |
Max | Bangs | 4 | 04/07/2021 | First game with out a birdie, today was not my day, but did get two games in and nice weather. |
Max | Bangs | 5 | 04/07/2021 | First double bogey in a while, not the best game, but the fog was pretty this morning. |
Max | Bangs | -2 | 04/06/2021 | Scared alot of squirrels this morning, I think I was the first one out there. |
Dalton | Carter | 8 | 04/05/2021 | Blaming a hurt hand and new discs but really I just stink |
Scott | Stagg | 9 | 04/05/2021 | Best game yet |
Sean | Kaiser | 10 | 04/02/2021 | Woo |
Brian | Campbell | -5 | 04/04/2021 | First Ace on hole one! What a time to be alive! |
Natalie | Wilson | 3 | 04/04/2021 | I saw Brian Campbell get an ace 😮 |
Rebecca | Henderson | 18 | 04/04/2021 | n/a |
Rebecca | Henderson | 22 | 04/03/2021 | :/ |
Brianna | Coia | 5 | 04/04/2021 | . |
Brandon | Dickens | -2 | 04/03/2021 | 👌🏻 |
Brandon | Dickens | -2 | 04/02/2021 | 🤙🏽 |
Brandon | Dickens | -3 | 03/20/2021 | 👍🏽 |
Mike | Storey | 8 | 04/03/2021 | . |
Natalie | Wilson | 4 | 04/03/2021 | poopí |
Lindsi | Allman | 17 | 04/03/2021 | Tryin me best |
Bill | Knight | 33 | 04/03/2021 | Getting better |
Mike | Storey | 5 | 04/02/2021 | . |
John | Beamish | -1 | 04/02/2021 | Searched for my disc for like 20 min on hole 7 and finally found it buried under the leaves in the fairway. Under par let's go! |
Ward | Eegan | 12 | 04/02/2021 | So much head/cross wind 🌬😫 |
Rachael | Thompson | 3 | 03/30/2021 | Throwin dicks |
Max | Bangs | 1 | 04/01/2021 | Better 2nd round. |
Max | Bangs | 5 | 04/01/2021 | Cold, windy, and wet, but pretty sunrise and saw an owl on hole 8. |
Scott | Stagg | 13 | 03/31/2021 | Played the whole course with a putter. As I suspected, I throw it just as far as the drivers, but with more control |
Max | Bangs | -1 | 03/31/2021 | Too muggy to run a second round. |
Zach | Rowland | -8 | 03/29/2021 | My beat round playing 18 |
Dalton | Carter | 5 | 03/28/2021 | Bogeying holes I should birdie was an interesting strategy |
Bill | Knight | 27 | 03/28/2021 | Opposite hand with an ultimate disc |
Bill | Knight | 82 | 03/28/2021 | Trees got me on 17 |
Rebecca | Henderson | 17 | 03/27/2021 | N/a |
Dalton | Carter | 1 | 03/27/2021 | Two double bogeys really takes the wind out of your sails 😬 |
Max | Bangs | -2 | 03/27/2021 | So close to improving my score, missed the par putt on 18, but I will still take it! |
Max | Bangs | 0 | 03/27/2021 | First round. |
Natalie | Wilson | 5 | 03/26/2021 | Ok |
Sean | Kaiser | 11 | 03/26/2021 | Shot them straight |
John | Beamish | 11 | 03/26/2021 | Holes 4, 9, and 18 got be bad |
Zach | Rowland | -2 | 03/24/2021 | Avoiding caterpillars on tee pads is a skill |
Zach | Rowland | -4 | 03/23/2021 | Solid first round |
Max | Bangs | -2 | 03/23/2021 | Best game so far for this tee scheme. |
Max | Bangs | 0 | 03/23/2021 | Watch your step, lots of catipillars out today. |
Dalton | Carter | 3 | 03/22/2021 | Eh I'll take it |
Max | Bangs | -1 | 03/21/2021 | 2nd round |
Max | Bangs | 1 | 03/21/2021 | 1st round |
Max | Bangs | 0 | 03/20/2021 | 2nd round |
Max | Bangs | 2 | 03/20/2021 | 1st round |
Dalton | Carter | 5 | 03/20/2021 | Gonna blame the wind and not my incompetence |
John | Beamish | 3 | 03/21/2021 | . |
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