2021 TUL Disc Golf
We are hosting another Disc Golf tournament to tide us all over until we can play Ultimate again. The tournament will be run similarly to last time with a couple of significant changes. First off, we will have team captains this time
who will help organize group outings for folks who are comfortable getting together. Second, we will only count individuals' best scores for each week you play. Sign up below!
We will be playing the Tom Brown 18 holes course, shooting from the short tees.
We will assign individuals onto teams based on how many people sign up and their skill levels.
People can play as many times as they want in a given week and their score for that week will be the lowest of their individuals games. Scores for the teams will be determined by averaging the individual players’ lowest scores.
Scores should be calculated relative to par and should be reported on the Tallahassee Ultimate website.
The winning team will be the one with the lowest overall score.
Players can use disc golf discs or ultimate discs. If ultimate discs are used, they only need to touch the chains rather than make it in basket
Prizes will be awarded to the winning team and to individuals in other categories, such as best score, most rounds played, best comment, best picture posted to social media.
Signups are open now and the tournament will run March 20 - April 18. Please register before March 19, however, in order to get the most players possible, we will keep registration running throughout the whole tournament.
Even though it should be possible to social distance while playing disc golf, we encourage all players to avoid large crowds and practice social distancing.
Click here to see who has signed up
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